Society of Women Engineers – Lehigh Valley

Scholarship Program

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must reside in areas with zip codes beginning 177-187 and 195-196, which includes over 20 counties in Pennsylvania. 
  • Applicants must be enrolling as a first year student in an ABET accredited engineering program in the year in which the scholarship is being awarded (see below for specific majors and a link to check your specific University).
  • Applicants must identify as a woman and be graduating from High School in the year in which the scholarship is awarded.  

ABET Accredited Engineering Majors

Below is a list of ABET accredited engineering majors.  Scholarship recipients must be attending a college or university that is ABET accredited in their chosen major.

This list is taken from section III of:
2023-2024 Engineering Accreditation List

Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Biological Engineering
Chemical, Biochemical, Biomolecular Engineering
Civil Engineering
Construction Engineering
Cybersecurity Engineering
Electrical, Computer, Communications, and Telecommunication(s) Engineering
Engineering, General Engineering, Engineering Physics, and Engineering Science
Engineering Management
Engineering Mechanics
Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering
Geological Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials, Metallurgical and Ceramics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Ocean Engineering
Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
Optical and Photonic Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Software Engineering
Surveying Engineering
Systems Engineering

Engineering Technologies (any)
Computer Technology
Computer Science
Information Systems

Any other majors please contact the scholarship committee for clarification at: