Certificate of Merit

SWE – Pikes Peak Section
c/o Brenda Wolfe
1011 Acacia Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

February 10, 2024

Dear Science Dept. Head, Principal, or Guidance Counselor:

Each year the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) awards, upon teacher or counselor
recommendation, female students in each high school with Certificates of Merit. The certificates
have recently changed and are now embossed with the student’s name, date of award, and
recognizes outstanding achievement in both mathematics and science. (There is no longer a
three-year requirement and we will not designate levels of Honor) We will recognize up to TWO
students. If you would like to join the nearly 500 schools who participate in this award throughout
Colorado and Wyoming, please complete and return the enclosed nomination form. Certificates
will be mailed to your school before your awards ceremony or graduation date. Requests for
certificates should be returned at least 2 weeks before you require them, or as soon as possible.

If you would like a SWE member to present the award to your students, please indicate so on the
nomination form. We regret that we may not have volunteers available to present the awards at
your ceremony, however we will do our best to arrange a presenter.

The Society of Women Engineers is a non-profit organization, funded entirely by its members and
donations, whose mission is to support women engineers, engineering students, and potential
future engineers. The Certificates of Merit program, along with scholarship and mentoring
programs, are some of the ways the Society tries to encourage students to consider engineering
as a field of study in college.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to providing these awards for your students.


Brenda Wolfe
Certificates of Merit Chair

Complete the certificate of Merit Form here