The purpose of the HeForSWE Affinity Group is to grow inclusion and advocacy efforts by way of increasing male allies in STEM fields. HeForSWE aims at being a meaningful resource for SWE members by providing multiple perspectives on gender inclusivity.

Lead by Danny Foddy and Ashley Wynne

​Podcast: Men As Diversity Partners for Women in Engineering

The “Men as Diversity Partners” SWE podcast series highlights conversations about male diversity partners and their impact on advancing women engineers. These conversations inspired the creation of the HeForSWE Affinity Group. The purpose of the HeForSWE Affinity Group is to grow inclusion and advocacy efforts by way of increasing male allies in STEM fields. This Affinity Group seeks to make sustainable efforts towards a more diverse and inclusive culture where women and other underrepresented gender engineers are recognized as essential members of their teams and companies. HeForSWE aims at being a meaningful resource for SWE members by providing multiple perspectives on gender inclusivity.

In SWE podcasts, blog posts, and the SWE Facebook Group, members express their struggles and discuss the importance of having supportive diversity partners and male mentors who use their influence to advocate for the advancement of women in engineering. HeForSWE is a strategic initiative to increase male diversity partners and further the SWE mission.

We all recognize we need to do more in this area, and when men and women lean in together we can be really successful.”

Rick Naples, BD EVP and Chief Regulatory Officer, Men as Diversity Partners Podcast

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For more information email us at HeForSWE.AG@swe.org.